It finally came... Around 2PM today.
The guy was a bit of an idiot :/ He didn't seem to care. He went to a few wrong properties before mine.
But enough of that, it's here now, and I can stop bloody thinking about it!
So, I've been on a quest to find the perfect foundation. I have a few that I like already, but really wanted to try MAC, and so far I like it.
I bought it in the shade "N2" and it's a perfect match!
So, I have only tested it on one area of my face, but am waiting till after I have a shower tonight, once my skin is clearer (I work with horses, so you can imagine the dust and everything from the bedding and hay)
I also tested on the back of my hand. I can only describe it as a little sticky at first, and sort of a wax texture when you run your finger over it, but perfect when you pat some powder over the top of it! I can't wait to try this later!
It is in a 120ml bottle, and looks like it will last ages! So I'm happy with it so far :D
Really great blOg! I got your request from the MUG forum! So here I am supporting!!! If you could support back it would mean so much!