Thursday, 9 February 2012

More Sugarpill Goodness!

So, I had to place another order because I really wanted Stella. But I thought I'd go and buy another 4 Chromalust Loose Eyeshadow.

Oh my god, I am still in love! I really am hoping to get the whole lot! I had £300 for Christmas, but spent alot of it on just things I needed mainly, and I am pretty gutted, because I would have used more of it to buy Sugarpill... I've spent atleast £70 this week on my lastest haul.

I still have more swatches of another product to come, but I will do those tomorrow as it's pretty late right now, and we have snow coming in, so I could be stuck in for a while.

I STILL haven't been able to try out my Sugarpill on my eyes, but hopefully the snow (if any) will give me an excuse to do it...

I purchased Stella, Weekender, Magpie and Hysteric.

I'm also dying my hair completely red soon, so can't wait to see how that turns out too.

I also bought 3 NYX Jumbo eye pencils... And I have also swatched them.

Right, don't get confused now... I Re-Swatched my previous Sugarpill because it really wasn't showing the full AMAZING colour that it actually looks in person, so I've included those in with the new swatches.

Here it goes...

Ok, so in order from Left to Right (These are WITHOUT primer)

Poison Plum (Pressed), Royal Sugar, Asylum, Magpie, Hysteric, Weekender and Stella.


Aren't they just FREAKING AWESOME!? I love them, they are so pretty and will have a special place in my Makeup draw...



Then there are the NYX Jumbo Eye Pencils.

I actually like them, although I HAVEN'T tried them out on my eyes yet, but I promise I will and I'll update! They are pretty awesome, I bought Rocky Mountain Green, Purple Velvet and Cherry.


I think it's pretty obvious as to which ones are what I've listed...

Anyway, can't wait to do these swatches tomorrow :D And if not tomorrow, maybe Saturday/Sunday XD I'm actually hoping to be able to go out tomorrow night and wear Sugarpill, I'm just itching to use it! Bahhhh!

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